
  1. "On the dimension of algebraic stacks - motivated by moduli of spaces of sheaves and vector bundles, 第二回宇都宮大学代数幾何研究集会, Utsunomiya University, September 2019
  2. Classifying the irreducible components of moduli stacks of torsion-free sheaves on K3 surfaces and an application to Brill-Noether theory, Kinosaki Symposium on Algebraic Geometry 2020, Online, October 2020
  3. Classifying the irreducible components of moduli stacks of torsion-free sheaves on K3 surfaces and an application to Brill-Noether theory, 第四回数理新人セミナー, Online, February 2021
  4. Classifying the irreducible components of moduli stacks of torsion-free sheaves on K3 surfaces and an application to Brill-Noether theory, 2021年度日本数学会年会, Online, March 2021
  5. An explicit costruction of derived moduli stacks of Harder-Narasimhan filtrations, 第18回数学若手研究集会, online, March 2022
  6. An explicit costruction of derived moduli stacks of Harder-Narasimhan filtrations, 第3回宇都宮大学代数幾何研究集会, Online, March 2022
  7. An explicit costruction of derived moduli stacks of Harder-Narasimhan filtrations, 日本数学会2022年度年会, March 2022
  8. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 第4回宇都宮大学代数幾何研究集会, Utsunomiya University, March 2023
  9. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 日本数学会2023年度年会, Chuo University, March 2023
  10. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 第10回(非)可換代数とトポロジー, Shinsyu University, March 2023
  11. Some examples of noncommutative projective Calabi-Yau schemes, 第27回代数学若手研究会, Tsukuba University, March 2023
